
Happy 7 Months!

Caleb is 7 months old today! 
I can't believe how fast the time is going. 
I need to make an appointment and then I'll post how he weighs now.

Caleb has recently really enjoyed screaming/singing. 
He will do this for HOURS. 
It's a pretty funny noise coming out of such a big boy.

He laughs at the most random things:
any word you say close to his face when he's really tired. it's HILARIOUS.
playing peek a boo.
he laughs at our dogs.
especially when they are being bad and i'm mad.
being tickled.
squeezing his chunky thighs.
if you pretend to be a lion.
hitting the floor with your hands.
sometimes when he's getting his diaper changed.

I know there are more, but they aren't coming to me right now. 
He always surprises me with what he thinks is funny. 
Then I keep doing whatever it is until he's sick of it. 
His laugh is just too precious :)

He's started staring a people until they will give him attention. It's really funny. He has this look on his face like he's thinking, "Please like me!" And then when he gets a big smile from whoever he wants to give him one, he just lights up, it's adorable. 

He's starting to seem a little more interested in toys. He's had no interest at all until recently.

He really loves books. He always has from the very first time I read him a book. A few months ago, if I put a book in front of him he would glance back and forth at the pages like he was reading it. Now tries to grab the pictures or he'll just hit it over and over again. 

HITTING. He loves to hit anything and everything. He started doing this while he was nursing. He would just hit me over and over again. Of course, I just loved when he did that haha. So he stopped doing that and is on to hitting everything he can get his hands on. It's so funny. 

Well that's all I've got for now. He's the best baby ever. I love seeing him grow and learn new things, and to see his little personality coming out more each day. He's the sweetest baby and you can just see how good his heart already is.

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