
Pumpkin Patch/Pumpkin Head

We took Caleb to the Pumpkin Patch in Rancho Cucamonga for his first visit a few weeks ago.
It was fun. 
Why is he so cute?

This is my favorite picture of the day.
I am so blessed to have these two boys. 

I found this pattern from little birdie secrets
I changed it up a bit and didn't make the folded part or the vine. 
I just prefer it a little more plain for some reason.
After I made Caleb's, I made two more for my sister's babies.
And then one for Caleb's girlfriend, Cami and her brother, Tanner.
I wish I had found this pattern a few months ago. 
I want every baby I know to have one on its head right now :)

Also, I took Caleb to the doctor today. He is 22 pounds and 6 ounces!


  1. Love the hat, Amanda (and Caleb is SUCH a cutie)! Such a cute idea! Did you learn to crochet? Is it hard? I'm asking for a sewing machine for Christmas (I used to sew all the time when I was little, but I want to start back up again) and that hat is so cute! I have a couple of pregnant friends that those hats would be DARLING for.

  2. It's really easy and fun! Especially during the fall/winter months. I took a class last year with just the very basics. I've just been making simple blankets until this hat. The hat was super easy but just had different stitches than I knew how to do, but I used youtube to learn. You should definitely learn how to do it, I love it! Oh and it would be fun to make other types of hats with that pattern, like a strawberry for a little baby girl!

    What type of sewing machine do you want? What types of stuff do you want to make? You're really crafty! I love looking at your diy projects!

  3. I have no clue what kind of machine I want! Haha I'm not advanced enough! I follow a few blogs that do some sewing and I'm interested in doing some of those projects. Also I've been seeing these petal pin things (pinned to cardigans, headbands, etc) that are super cute. Maybe throw pillows, table runners, etc. or bandanas for my dog!

    And thanks! I REALLY like being crafty and doing things like that, it's very therapeutic! I wish I could do that for a living vs. actually GOING to work. Work is lameee (well, just GOING- I'd LOVE to work from home!)

    Do you have any Christmas projects in mind? You have such cute things in your house and for Caleb

  4. Yeah I don't know much about machines either haha. My mother in law gave me mine last year for Christmas. It's a baby lock? I really like it. She went to a sewing store and it was one of the floor models so it was discounted by a lot.. something to hint at to whoever will be buying yours haha :)

    Those pins sound so cute!! I want to make throw pillows too!

    If it makes you feel any better.. I've worked from home before and it's not all that it's made out to be. How do you like your class this year?

    I want to make a Christmas tree skirt and a stocking for Caleb! And thanks, so do you! Do you have a home goods near you?

  5. Okay, FYI: Logan was 24lbs a month ago and she is 2 years old! Um yea. LOL. I can't believe you're so handy! I'm jealous! :) Caleb is the cutest little boy ever!
