
11 Months

Caleb turned 11 months old yesterday. I know at the beginning of each of these blogs I always go on and on about how fast the time has gone and how I can't believe it, but it's true. It's so weird to me that we've almost had Caleb for a year, even though.. I feel like he's always been here. It's a strange feeling.. hard to explain! ANYWAYS, I have his 1 year pictures scheduled and I'm going to be sending out invites for his party really soon. We're going to do a cowboy theme since we've pretty much forced him to like it since before he was born haha.

So I'm pretty sure Caleb is the same weight still as he was last month. He's really slimming down and looking more like a big boy these days. He has been in 12 month clothes forever. I thought he was about to grow out of them and all of a sudden they fit him just right. Really weird how that works out. I had started buying 18 months stuff for him, so he has plenty of cute stuff to grow into now haha.

He definitely understands me when I tell him to do certain things. He gets "no". He listens half the time haha. Sometimes when he doesn't want to listen, he'll do something a little different thinking he can get away with it. For example, he's not allowed to touch my laptop and of course anytime he sees it, he wants it. So he goes for it and I tell him no and then he looks at me and gently taps it and smiles at me. It's pretty funny how young they learn to do that type of thing. When he does listen, he usually crawls away from whatever it is and comes and sits with me :) He also will crawl to me if I tell him to "come here" and a few other phrases!

He use to really love fruits and now he loves meats (baby food meat is GROSS looking but he loves it) and he loves green foods, which I'm all about him loving. He's even started making faces when I give him the fruits, which is just funny since he use to refuse to eat anything else but fruit! He also has to share whatever I eat, which has been great for me. I'm so picky about what he eats and it's really helped motivate me keep eating well.

He finally will take a bottle!! I was getting really worried about weaning him off of nursing at a year. I found a bottle that he really liked and now he will drink from any bottle. I still nurse him like normal but I'll give him whole milk or water throughout the day too.

He stands by himself for a few seconds at a time. He doesn't seem super close to walking though, which I'm kind of happy about. He can take his time growing up :)

When he wants to eat he usually will say "bababa" or "mumumum" and he says "dada" ALL of the time. Which as cute as it sounds, it makes me a little jealous :)

He will find any trash you have on your floor. I vacuum almost every day and he still manages to find things. Thankfully, he doesn't really put things in his mouth. He just likes to crawl around with it.

He sleeps from 7:30 pm- to 7 am. It's AMAZING. I usually get about 8 hours of sleep every night these days. And he takes two naps a day. He's a great sleeper.

He loves rough housing. The rougher, the funnier it is. Head butts are his favorite. And he loves being thrown down on the bed or couch. He will start laughing so hard he will get tears in his eyes. It's so cute.

I've let him play with a baby about 6 months older than him and he will try to share toys with him, which is really sweet to watch him do all on his own. For some reason, he doesn't play as well with babies closer to his age.

We've started playing catch. He throws with his left hand most of the time. Hopefully we have a left handed pitcher on our hands :)

He goes through phases where he doesn't want me out of his sight  and sometimes, even a few feet away from him. If I'm too far, he will scream and cry until he can be held by me. Sometimes it can be a little annoying when I'm trying to get something done, but I just remind myself that there will come a day when he doesn't want me around at all, so I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

He thinks working out is funny. I started a new work out program and he never fails to laugh at me when I'm doing the hardest part haha. It's REAL encouraging :)

Two more teeth are coming in!! The top two. I can see one of them and feel that the other one is on it's way in. It's going to be so weird when he has a ton of teeth! He loves when I brush his teeth, which was a huge relief since so many kids hate it.

Well I think that's all that's new with my little guy. It's really crazy how fast he starts doing new things and how much more grown up he gets every month! I'm so blessed :)

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