

I've been bad about updating this.

We are all doing really well. We've been really busy having fun :) We are headed to Dallas, Texas on Thursday for one of my best friend's wedding! It's going to be so much fun and I'm so excited to get to spend some time with friends from college. I made some of the greatest friends in college and I have missed them terribly! My parents are coming up to watch Caleb for us from Friday night-Sunday morning. This will be my first time to be away from Caleb like that and I'm nervous but I must admit that I am VERY excited. I am obsessed with my little boy but I am looking forward to a break and just spending time with my husband and friends.

I'm still waiting for more pictures from Caleb's 1st Birthday but I will add a few that I have, then a sneak peek of his year pictures, and then just a few random ones. Get ready, cause these are adorable..

being sung to at the mexican restaurant on his birthday, not a fan of the sombrero but the whipped cream helped :)
He was still not a fan of feeding himself at the time, so I fed him this entire piece of cake and unfortunately he wasn't messy.. so I don't really have any typical 1st birthday pictures of that haha. 
That's as messy as it got..

Random shot of Caleb and his "dodo" on his birthday party day!

Jordan's cousin Emily took these pictures. She was very sweet to do these for us!

Caleb while we were camping in Carlsbad. 

The beautiful view from our campsite

Our new dog, Ranger

Blair and me!

4 generations of Craft men at the Red Sox vs. Angels game

His smile makes melts my heart

Camping in Encinitas

playing in the giant holes the guys dug

sand monster. 

cousins on easter. 

Brittany was on vacation in San Diego so we went to see her for the day! It was so great to see her and catch up. Caleb loved  her a lot! 

oops these are out of order :) Caleb is the happiest baby on earth but somehow we captured him sobbing next to his easter basket two years in a row hahah.

This is a dog that hangs out where I go to get waxed. She is so sweet with Caleb. They sat like that for a really long time, I had to get a picture!

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