
A Crafty Fam Summer

This summer has been fun filled. 
Truly one of the best summers of my life.
Lots of fun adventures and beach camping fun 
with my two favorite guys.
What could be better?

This will be a picture update with a little text.
Oh and if you want to see a picture better, you can click on it to enlarge it.

Blair and Aaron got married on May 21st. It was such a beautiful wedding and Blair was the most stunning bride I've ever seen. It was a really fun weekend and a much needed reunion with good friends.

Jordan earned a trip to Wyoming through work. So proud of him! It was my first time to be away for Caleb and it was really nice to just be with Jord! We rode horses, shot a ton of guns/bow, saw buffalo, rode mountain bikes, had FREE spa services, had a paintball tournament (my team won), best food ever, a hoe down,  sang karaoke, and they even had shiner there!! I loved kicking back on the big porch with a pretty view with my favorite beer and a good book. 

My cousins, Neely and Mallory, and my mom and Dallas visited in June. I had never just hung out with Neely and Mallory before, so it was really nice. I loved getting to know them better. We went to San O one day and then I took them through Laguna, Newport, and Huntington. 

We spent lots of very early mornings at San O. I really love the beach early in the morning. I think I'm meant to live by the beach. To get there by 6 we would leave our house around 4:30 or so. It's worth it too. This beach is awesome because they only let a certain number of cars in at a time and you park your car right up to where you are on the beach. So you're not lugging a ton of stuff and you're never right next to another group of people. A lot of the people who go there have been going there for years and they have a lot of pride in the beach and keeping it nice. It's not rare to see an older man raking the beach and picking up trash. 

Caleb wasn't happy when I took a choke sized rock out of his mouth. A ba ba fixed that quick. 
You can always tell when my boy is getting sleepy.

Blair moved to California!!!

at Tresles. In the wagon with him is Ewan. He's a little younger than Caleb and super cute. They have a very love/hate relationship haha and his mom and I enjoy watching their smack downs. I'm glad she finds it as funny as I do or it would be awkward.

camping at San O. my two guys make me so happy!!

Jordan has gotten really good at surfing. I've gone twice this summer. I suck. And I was paranoid I was going to flash someone the entire time. Last person I flashed at the beach was my father in law, so you can understand my paranoia. I blame big waves. They can do a number on a bikini top.

camp trip to the Sierras.

then here are just some of my favorite pictures of bubba from this summer:

caleb & tanner at the park


caleb, layla, and cami at the park.

pretending to drink mama's coffee

sweet dog at the place i get waxed in town.

finally conquered his fear of riding the bull haha.

1 comment:

  1. precious memories and pictures! I love, love your sweet little guy! He is adorable and I've never even held him! Hahahahaha!!!
