
Caleb LOVES:

Sticks. He has a stick in his hand most of the time. It's the easiest way to make his day, just hand him a stick. We don't buy toys these days because of this haha.

Swiffer mop. I took out the inserts and made ours Caleb-sized and he is obsessed with it. He likes to help me clean with it. He is the cutest.

Wrestling. This child loves to wrestle. It makes him laugh so much. There have been a few injuries already. One time his mouth and my knee collided. My knee hurt really bad so I can only imagine how his poor mouth felt. He was so brave and sweet though.

Balls. (I think I need to grow up a little bit because I just laughed to myself.) We have an athlete on our hands, no question about it. He loves playing with balls and loves watching other people play sports. If he sees anyone playing with any type of ball he just stares in awe.

His blankey. A good family friend made him one and he has a slight obsession with it. And by slight, I mean MAJOR. If anything ever happened to that thing, we'd be in a ton of trouble!

Dogs. He loves all animals but dogs are by far his favorite. He loves our boys and likes to pet them, kiss them, and hug them. I think Ralph (my dog) is his favorite too. He also started a game with them which involves throwing a ball at the screen door and watching the dog's reaction. He gets hysterical during this game, which is always a fun thing to watch. Oh and whenever he hears dogs, he "barks" and looks around for them.

Outdoors. He loves to be outside and exploring! He likes to find sticks and gets really excited when he finds a good one. We spend a lot of time at the park during the week!

Stuffed Animals. He recently started to really love stuffed animals. He hugs them and kisses them. Sometimes if I ask him for a kiss, he will give me a funny smirk and then kiss his stuffed dog and refuse to give me one haha.

Reactions. LOVES them. He will do something over and over again if he gets a reaction from whatever it is he did. Sometimes I'll react surprised to something he does just to get some laughs out of him. It's hard teaching him about things that can hurt him though. Pointing to something and saying "Ouch!! Hot!!" is the worst thing to say since he thinks people getting hurt is funny. He really is my child. All those times I laughed at someone getting hurt (not seriously hurt of course) are coming back to haunt me haha.

Daddy. He wants to be just like him and I can't blame him! He gets so excited when he gets home from work and loves to follow him around.

Big Kids. He just stares at them. One of my friends has an 8 year old son and Caleb is obsessed with him. And whenever he sees big kids anywhere, he just stares at them. So cute to watch.

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