
The First Ultrasound

Jordan and I had our first glimse of our baby on September 2nd!!! It was the most exciting and amazing experience of my life!! The baby was swimming around and kicking like crazy! The doctor had a really hard time getting a picture because the baby wouldn't stop at all. It made everything so real to us and made all the morning sickness SO worth it!!

For this ultrasound, the baby was 11 weeks, and 1.5 inches!! We weren't able to hear the heartbeat, but we could see it. It was incredible!! In this picture, the baby's back is facing us, you can see their arm stetching up! So cute!!!

Interesting facts about the baby at 11 weeks:

-The baby is officially a fetus.

-The baby is about the size of a fig, just over 1.5 inches!

-The hands will soon open and close into fists.

-Tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under the gums.

-Some of their bones are beginning to harden.

-Can start to hiccup now that the diaphram is formed.

It's so amazing how developed the baby is already! I love learning about everything!

The next ultrasound is on October 27th and that's when we'll find out if it's a boy or a girl. If it's a boy, we're naming him Caleb Bradley. And if it's a girl, Ruby Claire. We cannot wait to find out!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Gosh such a miracle from God! So amazing! I'm so glad you are feeling better and hopefully you are over the worst of morning sickness! Can't wait to hear if you're having a boy or girl!
