
14 weeks

So I'm 14 weeks pregnant. My morning sickness has finally passed! I had the flu or a virus last week, which was really hard for me to get over. I wasn't able to keep anything down for about 4 days, it definitely had me worried! After I finally was better, my morning sickness was gone too! It's amazing to feel so good after feeling so sick for the past few months!! It's also amazing to be able to eat without feeling like vomiting the entire time! :) I still feel really tired most of the time, but I think it's because I'm having problems sleeping now. I've been waking up about 5-6 times a night lately! It's been annoying, but I'll take this over morning sickness any day! Plus, it's all worth it for our baby anyways :)

This is what has changed with the baby since 11 weeks..

-The baby's reflexes have developed. If I was to press into my stomache, the baby would respond to it even though I may not be able to feel the movement.
-The intestines have moved into his abdominal cavity.
-The kidneys will begin excreting urine into the bladder.
-The eyes have moved from the side of the head, to the front.
-The features on the face are more distinct.
-Fingerprints have formed!!
-The body is starting to catch up with the head in size.
-If it's a girl, it has more than 2 million eggs in the ovaries already.
-The baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck their thumb!
-The baby now measures 3.5 inches, about the size of a lemon!
-The baby weights about 1.5 ounces.
-The body is growing faster than the head now.
-The arms have grown more proportionate to the body.
-The baby is starting to grow lanugo, which is ultra fine hair that covers the body for protection.
-The liver will start making bile.
-Red blood cells will start being produced.

I might be able to start to feel the baby soon. I can't wait until I do!!

I've started getting a little belly, which looks way more like a beer gut than a pregnant belly, but it's still exciting to see more evidence of our baby. Hopefully, I'll move out of this beer gut phase soon though!!

My best friend/sister in law, Meghan, is also pregnant!! She is about a month or less behind me. It's so exciting and fun getting to go through all of this with her. We have two other friends, Dana Gilmore, who's due date is only 3 days before mine, and Carly Bautista, who is about 3 weeks or so before me! It's going to be so much fun to have all our babies around the same time!

Meghan and I took a few pictures of our baby bumps together, so I will post those soon!!! She also came up with the idea of making our own bedding/curtains/etc for the baby room. She and Everett aren't finding out what they are having, so she picked out fabric for a girl, since she already has stuff for a boy from Wiley. The fabric she picked out was adorable!!! I'm waiting to buy anything until we find out what we're having, but I've been looking and trying to come up with ideas of what I want for a boy or girl. If it's a boy, we'll probably do a cowboy theme. I've found some really awesome sites to order some fabric for that! And then if it's a girl, I have found a ton of cute fabric.. girly stuff is just way cuter!! Either way, it's going to be so much fun!


  1. What a great idea Amanda! I'm so happy you did this! I can't wait to see and hear about all the changes. We are so happy for you guys, and we can't wait to meet baby Craft! Love You!

  2. This will be a wonderful way to keep up with y'all! Thanks for including us. I look forward to all the fun things you'll get to share with us here. Take good care of you and baby!

  3. Amanda, This is so cool that you are doing this blog. I'm almost re-living my experiences. I loved being pregnant--not the morning sickness or the last few weeks but I loved everything in between. I can't wait to see you growing. Isn't it just wonderful. Psalm 139 will have special meaning to you now v.13 "you knit me together in my mother's womb..." if you haven't read it since you've been pregnant, you really should. It will be so very personal to you. I love you and am so happy for you and Jordan. This baby will be raised with so much love from his/her parents, grandparent, and everyone else but more importantly, this child will be taught the truth about Jesus Christ from an early age. Love, Tracy
