

We have one month to go!!! Saturday became 36 weeks, so now it's just up to whenever Caleb decides he's ready to come out and meet us!! Hopefully he will be just as eager as we are to meet him and not make us wait after his due date! We will see :]

Lately it's been feeling like he's been trying to get out.. kind of funny, but super uncomfortable for me. My tummy has morphed into the strangest shapes, one time it literally looked like a butt..he realllly loves to stretch! He's been moving pretty consistently throughout the day and he's been having hiccups about 4-5 times a day.. poor little guy! Thankfully, he's been still throughout the night though, which has been really nice for me..hopefully that's a good sign?

So I've definitely reached the stage of even though I'm nervous about becoming a mom and being responsible for the life of another human being and of course going through labor, I'm so ready for him to get out. There are so many joys and exciting things you go through when you're pregnant, but at this point.. I'm just so uncomfortable and my back is hurting so bad that I'm just ready for the pregnancy to be over.. I am enjoying being able to do what I want when I want for now though, it definitely won't be like that for awhile after Caleb is here.. but that's still a blessing in my opinion :]

My next ob appointment is on Wednesday and after that I'll be going every week until he is born. I really like my doctor, her name is Dr. Chong and she is so nice and very good at answering my questions. There are three different doctors that are on call at the office I go to, and I'm really hoping she's the one that delivers Caleb... even though all the doctors are really great!

Saturday, I had another baby shower! Meghan threw it and did an amazing job making it so much fun and the food was so yummy! We played some really fun games and it was really good to visit with all the family and friends that came. Caleb got a lot of great things too :] Here are a few pictures of some of the sweet handmade things we received!

Meghan made these burp cloths for Caleb. I love the pattern, it's too cute! Hopefully Caleb will love fishing as much as his daddy and both of his grandpas!

Jill made this cute cowboy bib!

This is the other side of the bib. So fun!

Baby Caleb's blanket from Gram :]

This is a carrier thing for me to use with Caleb. Carly made it for me, it's amazing! She picked out the cutest fabric too. Can't wait to have Caleb in it!!

These were Jordan's wranglers. I am SO excited to put Caleb in these. How special is it that he will have his daddy's jeans?

And here are a few pictures of Carly, Meghan, and me.

Carly is pregnant with her third child. She has a 5 year old girl named Jayden and a 2 year old boy named Kingston. Meghan has Wiley, who is 2 1/2 now. It's pretty crazy to think that we're going from having 3 cute little kids around when we're all hanging out to 6! I'm so excited :]

Other exciting news.. our house closes on March 5th!! The lady that we bought the house from is already moved out though so she said as soon as we sign the final loan documents and all of that, we can start moving our stuff in! I think that should be done by the 3rd or 4th. We also found a contractor to remodel our kitchen.. it doesn't have a dishwasher, so we're going to add that and then replace the counters and most likely the back splash with granite. The contractor is someone Jordan has been friends with and apparently he's really good. He's done a lot of the Betsy Johnson stores and all of that. So we're going to meet with him and figure out if he can get everything we want done in the next few weeks. We'd like to get it done before Caleb gets here if possible, we'll just have to talk to him and see. I'm so excited to get into the new house and set up Caleb's room!  I'll post picture of his room when it's all set up!

And here is one final picture of my bump at 36 weeks:

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