
And the Doctor says..

So from here on out I'll be going to the doctor every week.  I'm a little over 3.5 weeks, I'll be 3 weeks away on Saturday. My doctor checked to see how far I am dilated and effaced today. I'm 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced... and she was able to touch his head! He's sitting really low, which explains all the pain I've been having! She thinks that it's very likely that he will be here early! She said she didn't want to get my hopes up, but that I'm just progressing VERY well compared to most people. So we'll see! I'm getting super nervous now and even more anxious.. I can't believe how close it is! I'll have another update after my appointment next week. :]

1 comment:

  1. I was 3cm the day I went into labor, that baby will be here in no time!
