
4 Months Old!

Caleb is 4 months old today!!! I can't believe how fast time has gone by, he is growing so fast! He is as close to perfect that a baby can be and we are having so much fun with him. It's also my mom's birthday, so Happy Birthday Mom!!! :)

He's started sleeping through the night very consistently. He will go down around 9 or so and sleep until 5 or 6, eat for about 20 minutes or less, and then go back to bed for another few hours. It's been so nice. Every now and then he'll have a night or a few nights in a row where he wakes up a few times during the night or wants to be in bed with us, but for the most part, he's doing so great. I like the nights he wants to sleep in bed with us, he's my favorite little cuddler. He's about to be too large for his bassinet so I think we are just going to move his crib into our room. I know, I know.. but his room is really far from ours and it's by the front door. He's just not old enough to sleep in his room.. I may be in denial, but that's okay :)

He's standing (with our help of course) a ton. He loves it. He gets this adorable look on his face the entire time and looks around to every one in the room like, "Look at what I can do!" We are going to get him a Johnny Jump Up so that he can stand as much as he wants. I've been holding him up and getting a serious arm work out.. he's so heavy! 

He hasn't quite figured out how to roll over yet. He's really large and heavy for his age, so I think it'll probably take him a little longer to build up the strength. He's figured out how to roll on his side and to roll back over from his side, just not completely over yet. He REALLY hates tummy time and just lays there and cries the entire time instead of finding a way out of it haha, so we will see :)

He smiles ALL the time. It's the sweetest thing in the world. He laughs a lot too. He's a super happy baby. It's seriously impossible to be in a bad mood when you have a baby like Caleb. I try to capture this on film a lot but as soon as a camera or our flip is on and in front of him, he gets very serious and just stares at it haha. 

He is still pretty needy for me. If I'm not holding him, he at least wants to be able to keep his eye on me. He'll get fussy if I'm doing stuff around the house but if I move him to where he can see me, he's as happy as can be. I really like that he is like that with me, it's so sweet and he's my little buddy!

He loves to look at himself in the mirror. He gets really tickled over it.

He is "talking" a ton lately. He'll try to imitate what I say sometimes too.. like "hi". We will talk back and forth and he gets so excited. I read that doing that at this age helps with their speech development and all that. The other day, he was crying and it sounded like he was saying "Everett". Obviously he wasn't but it was funny. So I was telling Meghan (Everett is her husband) and then Caleb said "Evvvvvv". It was hilarious. 

Caleb and Zephyr started to notice each other. They will stare at each other and bust out laughing and just be smiling like crazy. It's seriously one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

We go in for his 4 month check up on the 27th, so I will post his weight and length then. Any guesses? Last time we weighed him was on the 8th and he was 17 lbs and 13 ounces.

Here's a video of Caleb "standing". I was hiding the camera from him so he wouldn't get all serious, and I ended up cutting his head off for part of the time, sorry! Check out his awesome chubby thighs while you're at it.. I love them!


  1. he is getting SO big, and even cuter!!

    btw, love that pillow case!! ha :)

  2. thanks!! i think so too!

    and thank you! urban :)
