
The Books I Read at the Lake

I read some really great books at the lake. I recommend these to anyone who's looking for a good read.

1. Not Without Hope- Nick Schuyler. It's about the 2 NFL players and 2 other guys that flipped their boat off the shore of Florida in February/March 2009 and only one, Nick, survived. He tells the story of what happened. It's a really incredible story. Jordan and I were living there when this was going on and in the book he talks about a banquet that his sister was going to the night before they went out to go fishing, Jordan was suppose to be at that banquet for the Red Sox. Pretty crazy.

2. Before I Fall- Lauren Oliver. It's about a girl that dies and she has to live the same day over and over again until she accepts it. Each day is different because of things she changes and through the process she realizes what really matters in life. It's one of those books you can't put down.

3. Unlikely Disciple- Kevin Roose. Kevin is a journalist from Brown who goes to Liberty Christian for a semester and then writes a book about it. He didn't know any Christians and wanted to know what they were like so he goes there posing as any regular Liberty student. Really interesting. I enjoyed reading his perspective especially since I went to a Christian college. Liberty is WAY more strict than DBU was though. Anyways, Kevin had a really open mind and was pretty positive about everything, it was a good book.

I didn't read these at the lake but they are worth mentioning:

4. Hunger Games- Suzanne Collins. The first of three books. I'm not even going to try to explain what it's about but it's one of the best books I've read in awhile. I read it this last fall, but it's too good not to recommend.

5. Catching Fire- Suzanne Collins. The second of three books. Again, not explaining. Just read it, trust me.  The third comes out at the end August so you have about two months to catch up. :)

6. Undress Me in the Temple of Heaven- I forget the author's name. It's about two girls who travel to China in the 80's and one of them goes insane. Another book that's hard to put down.

I'm going to probably read a lot more now that I have a nook, it makes me want to read more than normal for some reason. So whenever I read something worth recommending, I'll post it. I love sharing good books with other people.


  1. I'm so glad you posted this! I JUST finished a book today and now I need a new one! Have you read "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers? It's GREAT! If you haven't read it, you should! :)

  2. yes i read it a few years ago. it's so good!! i have another francine rivers book on my nook that i need to read, i'll let you know if it's any good! :) you'll have to let me know if you get any of the books on this post so we can talk about it :)
