
Trip to Texas/PK Lake House and Caleb's 3 1/2 months

We just got back from an amazing time at the PK Lake House in Texas. Jordan's parents own a lake house out there and we spend the 4th of July out there. We don't have TV, internet, or cell phone service, so it's just a really great getaway. I was given a nook before the trip, so I spent a lot of time reading and cuddling with Caleb on the screen porch. We saw two great firework shows and went to a no justice concert (texas country) while we were there. We also picked up wake surfing instead of wakeboarding this time. With wake surfing, you are a lot closer to the boat and eventually catch a wave and let go of the rope and you just surf behind the boat for as long as you can keep up. I never caught on enough to do that, but I got better each time. Next year :) We rode jet skis and went tubing. We also got to see some of our friends, Brice and Kate. It had been a year since we'd seen them, so it was really nice to catch up. It was a really great trip and awesome time with the family.

Caleb went to the doctor today for one shot. He didn't cry at all and hasn't seemed to feel bad at all since the shot. I was really nervous because last time he cried a ton for hours. It was heart breaking. I had the nurse weigh him while he was there... he is 17 pounds 13 ounces!! Big boy! He's gained almost 10 pounds since birth. The average baby weights between 13-16 pounds at 3 months and Caleb is 3 1/2 months now.

Here are some pictures from our time in Texas:

sweet baby

he LOVES being naked haha

naked cousins haha

Wiley fishing

Caleb and Wiley snoozing on the boat

Wiley and Everett

Granpy and Caleb 

Meg Ev and Zeph

Wiley and Zeph, sweet brothers

jordan and jill playing blongo ball

Meg and Ev at No Justice

at the fireworks show at hell's gate

this goes from cliff to cliff and looks like a water fall. coolest fire works ever.

Brice and Kate with Caleb :)

This picture is funny. Caleb is screaming and Wiley popped in to be apart of our family picture. He's adorable haha.

we got to play with a cute donkey

That's the update for now. I'm not going to send out emails of this anymore, so if you want to keep up with Caleb, visit our blog. www.babycraft1.blogspot.com. 

Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE all the pictures! Y'all look like you are really enjoying being parents. Love you girlie, Mary J
