
Family is Forever

My sis-in law, Meghan, has been in the hospital now since Wednesday. She went in when she got really sick. They found out right away that she had pneumonia but they couldn't figure out why she was having such intense head pain. Today they decided it was probably from a botched spinal tap on Wednesday. They decided to do a caffeine treatment and it helped a lot. Hopefully it will continue to help and she will be healed. If not, she will have surgery to fix it on Monday. She was able to spend a little over a hour with her sweet, sweet boys. Normally, they don't allow it. I'm so thankful and happy that she got that. As a mom, I can't imagine being away from my kids like that, especially my baby. We are just praying that the caffeine treatments help her and that she heals on her own and for comfort for being away from her boys.

I've been helping with her boys. Here are a few pictures I've captured of the boys these past few days. Little boys are just the best. I would be happy if we had all boys, they are just so much fun and so sweet.

sweet cousins playing

Zephyr's sweet smile. These cousins already love each other. When they see each other they smile and laugh. It's so adorable.

Wiley has been the sweetest boy. 

And then here are some of the crafty things I've been up to over the past month for some baby presents.

I crocheted these. I love crocheting. I'm like a little old lady.

texas burp cloths.. i'm just learning to sew :) i got an amazing sewing machine for christmas.

girly burp cloths


  1. Adorable boys :) And I hope Meghan gets well soon!!! Also, those gifts are precious! I wish I knew how to crochet. My grandma taught me to sew when I was little, and I made a few outfits for myself and my dolls (ha!), but I haven't done it in yearrrss... I need a sewing machine!

  2. You're so crafty Amanda! Your little man looks just like your husband!! He is getting so big and adorable, love the chubbiness. :) I'll be praying for your sister in law. Take care!

  3. I'm glad they figured out what was wrong, and hopefully it won't take surgery to fix it!

    Love the crafty stuff!!

  4. I think those are the sweet burp cloths you made for Landry!!!! We LOVE them! Thank you so much!!!!!
