
Chubby Bubby

Chubby Bubby is one of our nicknames for Caleb. Bubba. Chubba Bubba... all inspired by his chubby thighs and peaches. We can't help ourselves :)

We had Caleb's 4 month check up yesterday. He weighs 18 pounds and 7 ounces and is 26 1/4 inches long! This puts him somewhere from the 75th-90th percentile. Not even three weeks ago, Caleb weighed 17 pounds 13 ounces! He is growing so fast and I'm getting a good arm work out daily haha. :)

I am so thankful for the pediatrician we have for Caleb. He's just great. He has such good advice and seems to really care about Caleb. I'm a pretty laid back mom, way more than I ever thought I'd be, but vaccinations are the one thing that have really freaked me out. I've just heard too many scary things and the thing about vaccinations is that your kid could be perfectly fine, but what if they are one of the few that reacts badly to them? I didn't want to risk it, it's so not worth it to me. I really did my research on them and I was also able to find a pediatrician that not only supports an alternative vaccination schedule but believes in it. It's so nice to be able to ask him questions and to not feel like I'm battling him or anything. The pediatrician that came to the hospital argued with me about the shot thing and ended up making me cry.. I probably wouldn't have cried normally but I JUST had a baby dude haha. Another pediatrician told me I was unfit to be a mom because I didn't want to fully vaccinate Caleb. So it's just so nice to have a pediatrician that not only allows me to do what I want with Caleb, but supports it and tells me that I'm a good mom. 

One of the things he recommended for after your baby or child has a shot is a homeopathic called Bella Donna. It comes in pellets and you can either dissolve them in a liquid or crush them up and give them orally. You use it instead of Motrin or Tylenol. Something else I highly recommend to anyone giving their kids shots is Vaccination Detox by Nature's Sunshine. My mom gave it to me when I was little and I have been giving it to Caleb and it's made a huge difference in how he feels after shots. The first time he was pretty sick and screaming his head off (very out of character for him, he's not a fussy baby) and since using the Detox, he seems completely normal after shots, just a little sleepier than normal. 

We went peach picking last week and it was really fun! Here are a few pictures.

Also, last week, my new baby nephew was born! His name is Matthew John Preng and he so precious! He was born on July 22nd at 4:37 PM, 20.5 inches long, and 7 pounds and 6 ounces. I can't wait to meet him! It's pretty crazy that Caleb already has 2 little boy cousins and he will have another one when Jana has her little boy in September! Boys are so much fun! My dad is REALLY making up for having 3 girls. 

Oh and I'm learning how to surf. I caught a wave the first time I tried and almost rode it into the beach but then after that I was having a hard time just getting through the waves. I haven't really spent any time playing in waves, so I just don't really understand how to get through them with a surfboard, but I want to figure it all out and to get really good. Just wait, someday I'll be doing this...


  1. oh he is so adorable!

    and i really like your take on vaccinations, and i'm so happy you were able to find a doctor that supports you.

    quick question, do you use photoshop to edit your photos (rounded edges)?

  2. thanks carly!

    nope i just use www.picknik,com. :)
