
Texas. Family. Friends. Engagements.

Caleb and I went to Texas for a visit this month. It was a really fun time! The only not fun parts were getting my iphone stolen at the airport and southwest sending our car seat base to San Diego on accident. Jordan had to go to the store to get an extra base since they wouldn't be able to get us the base until the next day. We needed an extra one anyways. I always forget to take the base out of Jordan's car and then I'll end up stranded at home some days. I still haven't replaced my phone though. So if you've tried contacting me, I promise I'm not rude :)

While we were there, my best friend, Blair and her boyfriend, Aaron, got engaged! They got engaged at Mt. Bonnell. Aaron had asked me to be there to get pictures. It was really special. They are so perfect for each other. I am so happy for them!!!

I was also able to spend a few days with my other best friend, Lydia. She is moving to Boston in a little over a week, so I was really thankful to get some time with her before she moves. We also visited my family in Houston and I got to meet my new nephew, Matthew! He is so precious and tiny!

Here are some pictures of our trip.

The view from Mt. Bonnell in Austin

Blair and Aaron talking before he asked

Getting down on one knee :)


Caleb just hanging out with Tucker

Grampops (my parents) played with Caleb for awhile and these next few pictures are the product of that haha. They had a good time.

My dad's face says it all.. haha

Caleb and my sister, Jana. She is having her baby boy next month!

Caleb and my sister, Heather. 

Caleb and my brother in law, Mat.

My nephew, Matthew at 1 month. He is Heather and Mark's son.
My beyond precious neice, Sloane, and Caleb :)

My cousin, Justin, and Caleb

Aunt Cindy and Caleb

My grandma and Caleb

My cousin Brice and Caleb

Caleb with his Aunty Lyd

Caleb LOVED Neil

Mrs. Wallace with Caleb

Mrs. Sandoz and Caleb

Lyd and me

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