
Caleb's 1st PBR

Caleb went to his first PBR on Sunday. PBR= Professional Bull Riding. Here are some pictures!

Caleb isn't allowed to watch tv yet.. but the PBR is basically a giant tv screen. He was glued to it haha.

taking a little snooze

I couldn't fit his feet in his cowboy boots, just one of the things that happens when you're chubby haha.. so I busted out his cowboy boot socks instead :)

Tom Cruise was there. It's hard to see him but if you look close you can see him under the 4. Just thought I'd take the opportunity to get Caleb's first picture with a celebrity haha.

I think he was researching for a role for a bull riding movie or something. I don't know for sure, it just seemed like it.

Caleb "standing" in his crib. When I put him up to stand like that he got a huge smile on his face and looked so proud of himself! We moved his crib in our room by the way. We just aren't ready for him to be in his big boy room yet. :)

1 comment:

  1. What a BIG BOY!! He looks so cute standing in the crib- I just want to squeeeeeze him! :) love you guys!
