
Videos of Caleb and Wiley

Jordan was pretending his hand was a duck and Caleb thought it was HILARIOUS. I wish I 
had our flip closer to use because as soon as I got it, we only got one laugh out of him and 
then he decided he was bored with the duck hand haha. It was really cute though.

The problem with having huge rolls when you're a little nugget baby is that your momma will 
squeeze and tickle you ALL the time.

We got Caleb a jumper this week and he loves it. He thinks he's all grown up whenever he's
in it. Normally, when he's in it, I can get him to smile and laugh the entire time, but when he 
knows the camera is out he gets very serious.

Meg is still recovering, so I've been helping her out at home with the boys. One of the days this week, her friend Sara came up to help, so I took Wiley to the park so he could have some one on one time. It was fun. Here are a few videos of Wiley. After watching these I realized I say "nice" a TON. It's kind of annoying haha.

He was riding the frog with no hands and decided he wanted to get extra tricky and catch a 
ball at the same time.

Wiley was rolling his ball down the slide first and then sliding down. He and I have this thing where I call him funny and then he says "No, you're funny." and we continue to repeat that over and over again. It cracks him up, he is too cute.

Wiley climbing up a fence for the first time. He loved that he was taller than me haha.

And here are a couple of pictures:

This one is from when Zephyr spent the night with us. 
These cousins love each other.. it's really cute.

This is the first time Caleb was in his jumper. 

And then he fell asleep in it today...haha. He's so cute.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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