
Caleb's First Time Swinging/Beach Weekend

We spent our weekend at the beach, like usual. Saturday we met Meghan and Everett and their boys down in Newport and attempted to go to Huntington Beach so that the guys could surf. We didn't realize it was the US Open this weekend so we had to park a few miles away in a neighborhood and we ended up not making it to the beach because as we got closer we started to see that it was going to be more like a spring break type of thing. We had two babies and a 3 year old, so we figured that probably wouldn't be the best idea in the world. So we stopped at a park and that was about it. Jordan was pretty disappointed that he didn't get to surf so we left our house real early Sunday morning and spent the day at San Onofre (where we usually go) and it was a really fun day. 

Here are some pictures of Caleb swinging for the first time.

And here is a video of Caleb swinging.

This is Jordan with his surf board. It's his old longboard. He spent the past week repairing it and then he painted the rising sun on it. I felt so bad for him because he took it out for about 30 minutes or so and then when he came back in he was putting it under his truck so the wax wouldn't melt and he dropped it and it cracked. He worked so hard on it and was so frustrated. So sad. We made friends with some people near us and they let him use one of theirs and then someone else let him use their duct tape so he could still use his. So it turned out to be a really fun day.

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