
20 pounds of Chub

I took Caleb to get a shot today and weighed him while we were there. He is now 20 pounds and 1 ounce. The last time he was weighed was a little over a month ago and he was 18 pounds 7 ounces. HUGE. :)

Caleb is almost 5 1/2 months old and he's changing and growing so much every day. 

  • He is wanting to crawl. He is rolling over with much more ease now and is starting to move his way across the floor.. not really crawling, but he definitely wants to be able to do it.

  • He discovered how to suck on his fingers. He usually sucks on his pointer and middle finger, but occasionally will suck on his thump or his middle and ring fingers. 

  • He started to actually jump in his jumper. 

  • He smiles and laughs ALL the time and at the most random things. He started having a different laugh sometimes too.. it's when he can't stop laughing. Usually his laugh is really low, but this laugh is a little more high pitch. 

  • He knows his name and will respond to it. 

  • He's started to look interested whenever I'm eating or drinking something. We will start him on foods at 6 months. 
  • He LOVES his daddy. He recognized Jordan pretty early on, but now, whenever he hears Jordan's voice he looks around and smiles when he sees Jordan. It's really sweet.
  • He has big boy hair! His hair texture changed. 
I can't think of anything else new. Caleb is the sweetest baby in the world and I could not be happier to have him in my life. He is the most wonderful and precious part of my life and I can't imagine loving him more, yet I do every single day. 

Here is a picture of Caleb today after we got home from the doctor.

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