
Pretty Day

Today was such a pretty day. 
Almost every day here is pretty, but today was especially pretty.

We had a get together with some girls at the country club in Wrightwood. 
Meghan, Anne, Amy, Andrea, Roni, and me.. and lots of babies.
We decided to all bring something and make it a potluck. 
Napa Valley Salad (chicken salad stuffed in an avacado over lettuce), Pasta Salad, Garlic Bread, Peanut Butter cookies, and brownies.
I ate a ton. 
Which kind of ruined my get skinny for Hawaii plan.

Wiley is the big boy. Cami is the girl in pink. Layla is the girl in purple. And Zeph is the other little baby boy that's not Caleb. Please notice that Caleb is bigger than Cami. She is 9 months old I think haha.

Layla and Zeph were having a love affair. Poor Caleb was left out of it haha.

Thankfully Cami came along to use Caleb as her personal drum. It was hilarious haha. 

Getting sleepy

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