
Sleeping Jumper

So I was cleaning up our room today and Caleb was in his jumper in the living room. I could hear him jumping and giggling and talking to himself and then I noticed it was a little too quiet... I peeked into the living room to find this...

I mean... what baby falls asleep in their jumper? hahah. I love it. He is too precious.

Caleb is on solids! I've pretty much given him everything.. vegetables, fruit, meat, grains. He's doing really well on it, the only food he's not too crazy over is green vegetables.  So I've been mixing fruit in with them and he eats them right up! I can't believe how big he is getting! It's crazy that he is going to be 7 months old in only 10 days! 

Since being on solids, Caleb stopped sleeping through the night. He was sleeping 10-12 hours. AMAZING right? Now he gets up 2-3 times a night wanting to nurse. Any one have any advice? Certain foods to give him before bed or something that will keep him from waking up hungry? He's gone through phases like this before when he's growing so that could be it, but I'm wondering if it could be just what I'm feeding him and all of that. Anyways, any advice is welcomed :)

He's also sitting up on his own for very long periods of time. Before, he would sit up for a minute or two and then topple over. Last week, he decided he was ready to be extra big and do it for long stretches of time. It's so big boy-ish! The funniest is when he's crying really hard and sitting straight up. Jordan and I can't help but laugh a little, it's just so funny and cute.


  1. Tristan is 2 years old and still wakes up once or twice a night so I'm not one to give advice on sleep! Ha. :)

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  3. Hi Amanda! My only suggestion would be to make sure that before you offer solids, that he nurses(a full feeding, not snacking). Your breast milk is still what is most important to his diet. That's so cool he is eating such a wide variety of foods. Go Caleb!! Amanda, its been so neat to see you and Jordy start a family. Thank you so much for sharing your "life" through your blog. It makes me feel like we don't live on opposites sides of the country! :) It is so evident that you're a great mom and wife. Love you guys! (I'm on my phone and my last post was full of typos so I wrote another one). :)
