
8 Months!

Caleb is 8 months old today! 
He is my favorite. 

Caleb loves water bottles. Even if he just sees one, he gets a huge grin on his face. A few posts earlier to this one has a video of him cracking up whenever I hit the ground with a water bottle. 

He has started saying something that sounds like "momma" and reaching up to me at the same time and bouncing like he wants me to pick him up. I can't pretend like I don't LOVE this :)

He loves carrots and pumpkin. 

He's getting close to crawling. He's never really been motivated to get anywhere before, but now he's started to see things he wants to play with. 

He loves mirrors and windows. He will sit by one and hit it over and over again and just be smiling the entire time. I set him by the window when Ralph is outside and they sit there staring at each other forever. Caleb will "talk" to him and reach toward him too. It's so cute. 

He is such a smiley baby. It warms my heart every day. 

I'll post his weight after his doctor's appointment on the 30th. 
I think he's probably about 23 1/2 pounds now.

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