
Merry Christmas!!!

We got our tree yesterday and decorated it. 
Here is Caleb in his daddy's cute jammies from when he was a baby. 

I will add more from our camera later. This is just from my iphone. I got some really cute ones of Jordan and Caleb :)

We lost some of our Christmas decorations too. Some of them being our ornaments and Jordan's stocking from when he was younger and Ralph's stocking..yes, we are those weird people that have stockings and ornaments for their dogs haha. I'm so bummed! So I'm off to Joann's today to get fabric to make all of us new stockings. Wish me luck.. sewing can be very frustrating for me! 


  1. The tree looks so pretty and Caleb is adorable! I just recently got a sewing machine: my grandma taught me how to sew when I was little, so it'll be interesting to see how my projects turn out! Can't wait to see the new stockings!

    And- we also buy our dog ornaments and a stocking!

  2. I'm impressed that you make the effort to sew at all. I am not even brave enough to try. Have fun!

  3. Chrissy- Fun!! Have you tried anything yet? I feel like sewing is so frustrating at times but it feels good to make something!

    Katy- Thanks!! I have so many people around me that do it, so I'm more motivated to try it out. It's interesting at times :) Hope you and your boys are doing good!
