
Just some stuff about my boy

I can't believe Caleb will be 10 months next week. It's so insane how fast the time flies. Everyone tells you that and you nod and agree but you don't really get how fast it goes until your son is nearly 10 months old and you feel like he was just born. Every stage is so much fun and I just wish I could enjoy them a little bit longer, I already miss when he was a tiny baby :)

Caleb is such an explorer. He is always getting hurt on something. Yesterday he was climbing on our kitchen chairs, trying to stand up, and the chair toppled over on top of him and he was trapped under the chair. It made me so sad!! Wiley was over today and I was telling him about it and he wanted to demonstrate how to chair fell and he did and bonked Caleb in the head really hard on accident haha. It was so sad!

He loves to take little toys that he can crawl around with so that he can bang them on different things to see what sound they make.

He LOVES to stand up. He is so proud of himself whenever he does. It's funny to watch him try new things and just all that he's learning. I love it.

He's recently started clapping! When he does it and I start doing it too, his face lights up and he is so happy! It's so cute.

I moved his crib to his own room 2 days ago. I know, I know.. it's about time. He outgrew his bassinet because he is HUGE way before we were ready for him to be so far from us. His room is far from ours and at the very front of the house. Plus, to move his crib, it requires taking it completely apart since it doesn't fit through the doors. Anyways, the past two nights have been amazing. I forgot what it was like to not get up multiple times a night. I also started being better about feeding and napping around the same times each day and that's helped so much. I got some of my ideas from babywise even though I'm not a huge fan of that method. There's nothing wrong with it but it just doesn't fit into our family. Plus, I think co-sleeping is great and they are very against it. If Caleb hadn't transitioned to sleeping 10-12 hours straight once I started making him sleep in his own bed, I probably would feel differently? But anyways, we are really laid back and spontaneous and we want our kids to be the same, but at the same time, I know routines are better for babies/kids and helps them sleep better and I was able to get some great tips from the babywise book. So I came up with something a little more flexible that works for us and it's made a huge difference. I'm shocked at how easy he transitioned and is sleeping through the night after just 2 days.

We will be in Texas this next week. Jordan gets to come too. I'm so excited to visit with everyone.

Here are a few videos of my sweet baby. These are all on youtube but I made it to where you have to have the link to view it. So if you ever want to see any of his videos I put up again, make sure to go through my blog to do it or save them on your computer because you can't just go to youtube and search for them.

This first one is from around Thanksgiving. He loved when anyone made indian noises and he'd do it too! He wasn't too into it once the video camera came out!!

The next two are from this morning. Caleb's Aunty Blair made the onesie he's wearing :) He likes to be in his business professional while playing around the house. 

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