
Mammoth+Christmas Jammies Picture

Here are a few pictures from last weekend in Mammoth. I wish I had taken one of the pretty landscape. It is so pretty up there!!

We went up for Everett's contest. He did awesome!!

My sweet boy and me in our matching jammies :)


  1. I love his little winter hat! He is precious! I am glad you guys had a good Christmas! I still cannot believe how old he is now and I know you are thinking the same thing! Did you get to have any of your family come up there for Christmas this year?

  2. Thank you!!! He outgrew all of his other hats and I had to search for it! He is in 2-3 years hats haha. I know it's crazy how fast the time has gone. I can't believe he will be 10 months in a week.

    No :( It didn't work out this year and it was really hard since it was the 2nd year in a row we didn't spend Christmas with my family. Hopefully next year we can make it work. Did you guys have a good trip to Colorado? Your pictures look like yall had a ton of fun! I really want to go ice fishing!

  3. We had fun too! At least you guys got to have a white Christmas! Or more so compared to most! Lol! That's the good thing about California and Colorado. You get the mountains and the snow but it still doesn't help much when you do not get to be with your family!

    Did you get to go snowboarding or skiing? I saw Jordan had a little accident! That looked painful! Hope his hand heals quickly!!

  4. Yeah! It ended up snowing a good amount Christmas night so that was really fun! Thankfully I get to visit my family next week, so we don't ever go too long without seeing each other. I have great in laws too so that helps a lot too.

    Yeah we live a few miles from a ski resort, so we can pretty much go whenever! I didn't get to go when we went to Mammoth because Jordan got hurt on his first run :( So sad!
