
16 Weeks AND I felt the baby move!!!

I felt the baby on Friday during my lunch break!!! I was reading in my car and definitely felt a movement. I had been feeling weird things in my stomach for the past week but it's hard to really distinguish between other things it could be. This was DEFINITELY the baby, no question about it! It felt kind of like a little punch or something. I don't really know how to describe it but it was amazing!! The best feeling in the world! I've been feeling it move a little since then too, I love it :)

Now I'm exactly 16 weeks. I'm still feeling great and I'm sleeping a little better. I usually wake up around 2 AM and then again around 5 AM and then I just toss and turn until I wake up for work. I'm so thankful I'm not having insomnia like so many other people go through, waking up a few times isn't bad at all.

This is what is happening with the baby now:
-the baby is about the size of an avacado.
-he or she measure about 4 1/2 inches long and is about 3 1/2 ounces.
-the legs are much more developed.
-the baby's head is more erect.
-the eyes have moved closer to the front of his head.
-his or her ears are close to their final position.
-the patterning of the scalp has begun, even though the locks aren't recognizable yet. hopefully our baby won't inherit our cowlicks! :)
-the baby has started to grow toenails!
-the heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, which will continue to increase as the baby develops.

Apparently the baby is going to be doubling in weight and size in the next few weeks, which is really exciting. I guess that means my beer gut phase is about to be over..that's not too disappointing :)

So right now we're having to figure out where we are going to have our baby.  We originally planned to have it at the Fontana Kaiser Hospital, but I found out two very very disturbing stories from the only two women that I know of that have been to that hospital. I don't want to go into details because they seriously are really upsetting, but there is no way we're having our baby there after hearing what I heard. So we're going on a tour of a different Kaiser Hospital (Kaiser is our health insurance and we can only go to their medical facilities) and then we'll decide what to do. We may end up switching to a different health insurance provider. I've heard of a few other hospitals that are really great, and I can't go to those unless we switch. I'm just not willing to risk anything and I'm so thankful we found out this information now instead of months from now. God is good and will provide the right place for our baby to be born. I can't wait to meet our little Caleb Bradley or Ruby Claire! :)

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