
We're having a.........


Caleb Bradley Craft!!!
We are so excited to have a baby boy!!!

Jordan and I both thought we were having a Caleb, and most everyone else predicted a boy as well!

The ultrasound was really fun and so exciting! I love ultrasounds, it's so amazing to see the baby! At first, he wasn't moving at all. Then the technician started pressing on my tummy (which is really uncomfortable when you've downed 32 ounces of water by the way haha) and he eventually started wiggling around and being so cute! We could see a lot more detail this time since the baby is so much bigger now. We were able to see the face, the feet, the heart, the brain, and the spinal chord...and a little... well, you know :) Jordan was able to see before me, I wasn't able to see the screen yet, but I looked over and saw Jordan smiling really big. I love those moments, it's so fun to see Jordan's reaction to everything. He's going to be an amazing dad. We loved seeing our baby boy, those moments are so indescribable!

Here are the pictures they gave us of Caleb!

On the last picture you can see that he's a boy, it's hard to see on the digital copy though.

I thought that the ultrasound would have the length and weight and all that, but it didn't. I noticed the length in mm, which was 130..and that's 5 inches long. The baby wasn't all the way stretched out though. At 19 weeks, most babies are about 6 inches long and 8.5 ounces. So I'm guessing Caleb is around that, give or take, I'm sad I don't know for sure. I wish I had thought to ask the ultrasound tech about that, but I was too absorbed in thinking about having a baby boy!

Also, they were wrong on our due date. I'm actually due March 22nd instead of the 27th. So I'm 19 weeks and a few days pregnant as of today!

This is what has developed/changed since the baby was 16 weeks:
  • Caleb's skeleton changed from solf cartilage to bone.
  • The umbilical cord is growing stronger and thicker.
  • He can move his joints, he's busy flexing his arms and legs! During the ultrasound he was wiggling around, it was really cute..
  • His sweat glands are starting to develop.
  • Caleb's blood vessels are visible through his thin skin.
  • His ears are now in their final position, although they are still standing out from his head a bit.
  • Myelin (a protective covering) is beginning to form around his nerves.
  • Caleb's sensory development is exploding! His brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that he should be able to hear our voice now!
  • The baby is about the size of a heirloom tomato now. 
  • The arms and legs are in the right proprotions to each other and the rest of his body.
  • Caleb's hair on his scalp is sprouting!
  • A waxy protective coating called vernix caseosa is forming on Caleb's skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.

And finally, baby bump pictures. Sorry I haven't been keeping up with that. I lost my camera so it's been a little difficult! I took these with my iphone, sorry for the bad quality! I weighed 112 at our first appointment, and now I weigh 120. So I'm pretty much on track :)

This is me at 18 weeks.

At 19 weeks, taken today

Well that's all the latest news about our baby! We are so excited to watch him grow and to finally meet him and for everyone else to meet him too :)


    1. You have a tummy! Wow! Happy for you two...three! Enjoy the moment...Mrs. J

    2. you look so cute! :)
      sarah h.

    3. Jeff and I are so happy for you and Jordan. I can not believe we are only now due 2 days apart! And you totally are due before me now! Stinker. I love reading your blog and the new pics are so cute! I'm glad your feeling better!Talk to you soon.

