
22 Weeks and another Ultrasound!

I had to go in for another ultrasound because Caleb wasn't in the right position for the ultrasound last time. Which is fine by me! I love seeing him. Jordan wasn't able to come this time, which I wish he had been able to because this time was so amazing. Jill came with me though and I'm so glad that she did, it was really fun to get to share Caleb with her!

This time was a way better experience than the last time. My ultrasound technician for the previous ultrasound was super rude but I had a different one this time and he was so great. He let me know all that he was looking at and showed me a lot of different things. Caleb still wasn't being very cooperative, his favorite spot is at the very bottom of the womb in a breeched position. The tech said that doesn't indicate that he'll be breeched at the time of birth, but that he's still so small that he can just move around a lot more and that's the position he prefers. Anyways, to get him to move, the tech moved my chair down to where my head was down low and my feet were up higher, then he had me turn on my side. It worked! We were able to see so much! Caleb yawned and sucked on his thumb! He seems to really like to have his hands up near his face, sooo cute! And we were able to see the chambers of his heart and hear the heart beat again. The tech did a close up on his face too, he's so adorable already :) He seems way more like a newborn than he did just a few weeks ago! If you scroll down to the post with his ultrasound pictures from 19 weeks, you can REALLY see the difference. It's pretty cool!

Here are a few pictures of him at 22 weeks

Caleb's side profile. If you look close you can see that his hand is up near his ear. You can also see the umbilical chord!

 This is the picture of Caleb sucking his thumb!! Look close and you can see the details of his knuckles. How amazing is that?! I think it's so cool that even this early on, he already knows to suck his thumb. God is so great.

So I asked the tech to get a picture of his man parts. I wanted to be able to show Jordan and all the other men in the family the solid proof. So here's the money shot!! If you look above it, a little to the left, you can also see the umbilical chord!

This is what has changed with Caleb since 19 weeks:
-He's 11 inches long and almost 1 pound!
-His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct.
-Caleb's eyes have formed, but his irises still lack pigment.
-He's developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums.
-Caleb is swallowing more, which is good practice for his digestive system.
-He's producing meconium, a black sticky by-product of digestion.
-Right now, he has deep wrinkles in his skin, that will change when he adds a padding of fat to fill the skin in. Skin grows faster than fat.
-And finally, his pancreas are developing steadily!

Caleb has been moving a lot lately! He moves the most whenever I'm hungry or if I eat something spicy. I've been able to feel my tummy move too! This past weekend, Ralph (our golden retriever) and I were cuddling and he had his head resting on my tummy, Caleb decided to move and I could actually see my tummy move..the look Ralph gave me was hilarious! He seemed very confused and alarmed haha. It was really cute!

I've been feeling really bad again. During my next appointment I'm going to see if they will test me for anemia or whatever else it could be. I have all of the symptoms of anemia, but a lot of those symptoms are common symptoms of pregnancy too. But if there's something I can be doing to feel better, I want to do that asap! 

I've been taking a quilting class once a month with Jill and Meghan. It's been really fun! The fabric I picked out  for the quilt goes really well with Caleb's bedding/room decorations. I didn't really plan for that but I'm happy that it does! Here's my first square.. we'll learn how to make a lot of different types as the classes go on.

Also, we decided to adopt a dog to be friends with Ralph. Our neighbor told us that Ralph cries a lot during the day and I've also been worried about how he'll deal with everything when Caleb comes. He gets a ton of attention from us and we treat him like he's our baby! The dog we adopted is named Roger and he's a 3 year old beagle. He's a really sweet dog. He's a good playmate for Ralph and he loves to cuddle! Ralph loves him and we're so happy he has a friend now! Here are a few pictures of the new brothers :)


So that's all there is to update for now. We go to Texas this next Wednesday for Thanksgiving. I am so excited to see my parents and the rest of my family!

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