
Update/Between 26 and 27 weeks

I had a friend at work take a picture of my baby bump with my phone,
I'm pretty certain it grew larger over night :)

I'm 26 weeks, but I'll be 27 weeks on Monday so I'll give you a little update on what's going on with Caleb now :)

-He's about 2 pounds now and is about 14.5 inches from head to toe!
-Caleb's taste buds are continuing to develop.
-He's starting to sleep at regular intervals now, opening and closing his eyes. I've noticed him being more active every few hours now.
-His brain is also growing quickly now!
-His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. Even though they still have a ways to develop, if he was born now, he would be able to live with some medical help.
-Caleb's beginning to exhange his long, lean look for some baby fat. More for me to squeeeze :)
-He's also growing more hair. If we could see it, we'd be able to tell what the color and texture is like!

I had my last check up at Kaiser on Wednesday. It was a really good experience. I really loved my doctor, if I could guarantee she would be the one delivering Caleb, I would be completely comfortable being at Kaiser. You can just really see how much she loves babies. When we listened to his heartbeat, the look on her face was so sweet and she was so excited. I had to take the glucose screening test during this appointment. I got the results back and I've become anemic. Apparently it's pretty common in pregnancy. I'm kind of happy that I have it because I've been feeling really terrible. It'll be good to be able to do something about it and to feel better.

I'm going to be done working at the end of this month. I'm really excited because it's gotten really hard on my body. I have a few projects I want to get done before Caleb is here too, so I'm glad I'll have the time!

Caleb has been moving around a TON.. it's so fun to just watch my tummy go crazy every now and then. I've been able to recognize the feeling of his foot and I can tell where his head is now too. It's so crazy how connected I feel to him already and I don't even know him yet! I think he really likes oranges too! I eat about 5-6 a day.. it's not a bad thing to crave! :)

I've spent the day babysitting Wiley today. It's been really fun. He's made me even more excited about being a mom today. We went to a birthday party for Jesus today with the play group that he goes to. It was really fun. We made ornaments and he was just so cute the entire time. So after that we came back home and cuddled while watching Charlie Brown christmas and now he's taking a nap. Earlier today we went to the park and I passed the park on accident and he said "Manda, I think you need some coffee!" He's so funny :)

Well that's all that's going on now.
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!!  I wish we could all spend it together!!


  1. I'm so happy for you! Caleb will be just as funny as Wiley...that's a crack up having a little person telling you that you 'need' coffee! MJ

  2. How stinkin' cute! Looove the belly on you :)

