
30 weeks/update

We are 10 weeks away from the due date! It's definitely snuck up on me! I am curious as to when he's going to decide he is ready to meet us!

I had my first appointment at the new doctor's office today and it went really well. I just met with the nurse today. In the future, they will rotate me between three different doctors so that I am familiar with all of them. Whoever is on call when Caleb decides he's ready to come out will be the person who will deliver. I like that even though I won't know for sure who will be delivering him, I'll at least know them. So the nurse listened to his heart beat and it was normal and also measured me and said that I was right where I needed to be at this point. I've been experiencing really awful pelvic pressure over the last few weeks and I was worried about it because a lot of times that can mean you're going into early labor. She said that it's really normal especially for my size and all of that. So that was really good to hear. It gets really bad when I've been up and doing stuff a lot, so I just need to rest more when I start hurting really bad. I'm also starting to have braxton hicks contractions. It makes more sense now, I thought Caleb was just pushing against my tummy really hard or that he didn't fit right or something, but after talking to her and having a few today, I realized that's what it was. She said that it's normal for me to be having them at this point, just not if I start having a lot in a short amount of time, etc. Which hasn't happened so far. I'm really thankful that even though I've felt really terrible for the majority of my pregnancy, that everything has been normal and healthy for Caleb. It's makes it very worth it already!

So this is what has changed with Caleb since my last post:
-He's about 15.7 inches long now and weighs almost 3 lbs.
-Caleb can blink his eyes now and has eye lashes. His eye sight is continuing to develop, but it's not very  good yet. Even after he is born, he'll keep his eyes closed for a good amount of the day.
-He's busy developing billions of neurons in his brain.
-He's adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world :)
-His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature.
-His head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain.
-About 250 milligrams of calcium are being deposited in his skeleton each day.
-A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds him, but that volume will decrease as he gets bigger and takes up more room.

Jordan and I just had our 1 year anniversary. We spent the weekend in Santa Barbara and it was a perfect get away. It was so nice to just be together with no distractions, I'm really thankful that we had the opportunity to do that before Caleb is here. Here's a picture of us on the pier and of Caleb :)

On the 23rd, I'll have my baby shower in Houston at my Aunt Cindy's house. I'm really really excited for it and to get to see my family and friends! It'll be a really good time. :)

That's all there is for now, I miss you all so much!

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