
33 Weeks/Caleb's Ultrasound

7 more weeks to go.. give or take! I would prefer take because after seeing Caleb during our ultrasound today, I can't wait to cuddle him! The ultrasound tech was really nice and explained everything that she was looking at and told us that Caleb is very healthy..great news! She also did the 3D ultrasound for us for free for a little while, we just weren't allowed to tell anyone she did it :) It was really amazing to see his face so clearly, he looks SO much like Jordan did when he was a baby, it's so cute! I can't wait to meet him! 

Here are the pictures from the ultrasound... 

Here's a picture of Jordan when he was a baby so you can compare :)

The ultrasound tech told me that Caleb is a little over 5 pounds right now. On average, babies are a little over 4 pounds at 33 weeks. He's in the 75th percentile and they are guessing his birth weight to be NINE POUNDS... IF he gains 1/2 pound every week.  Jordan is super proud that Caleb is going to be huge, and I'm just scared and hoping he comes a little early haha. They told me I will still be able to deliver normally and that they don't see a need for me to have to have a c-section or anything, so that was good to hear.  He's also in the right position too, I had been worried that he was breeched just by the way he was moving and what not, but so far it looks like he'll be in the right place. So as you can see, Caleb is definitely taking after his daddy, which means he'll be tall and super cute! :)

This is what has changed since my last post:
  • Caleb can now turn his head from side to side. 
  • His arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin.
  • He now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair. 
  • Caleb's skin is becoming soft and smooth as he plumps up in preparation for birth.

My aunts threw a baby shower for me last week in Texas. It was so much fun to see everyone, and Caleb was spoiled with a lot of adorable things! We are so blessed to have so many great people in our life! Here are a few pictures from the shower.

cute decorations
Lydia and Blair, two of my best friends!

Four generations if you count Caleb :)

We played a game where everyone had to guess how big around I was, Jana won :)
Caitlyn and Carly, my cousins :)

I have such a sweet dad :) 

Jordan and I are also in the process of buying our first home right now! It's in Wrightwood (where we are living now) and in a really great location. Escrow ends 30 days from now and so we should be in before Caleb comes. It's a really cute house and I'm so excited to be able to start out fresh with our first baby! We love all the colors and everything too, so we won't need to paint or anything, just move in..even Caleb's room is the perfect color! It's a cabin built in the 1950s and the inside is completely remodeled and really nice. We have lots of deck space and the yard is huge and backs up to the wash which will be great for our dogs and of course Caleb too! I'm so excited about it and can't wait to be in it! Here are a few pictures of the house:

The front of the house. We plan on eventually taking out the garage and carport and rebuilding a better garage with a room or two on top with a bathroom and laundry room. 

decks and yard

i love this kitchen. 

the living room. i love our fire place!

this will be Caleb's room :)

the loft/caleb's future play room!

our room!

That's what's going on now! We are starting to get really anxious to meet our Caleb, but we know it'll be here before we know it! Love you all!


  1. how exciting! that house is adorable!

  2. Your post made me tear up. I'm so excited for you guys, and we can't wait to meet Caleb!
    (I also love that you said multiple times that Caleb is "plumping up") Love you!

  3. Jordan and Amanda,

    LOVE the house!!!! It is stinkin' adorable- I love all the character it has! You are going to have so much fun making it yall's own. Congratulations!

    Jeff and Dana (and Logan and Landry!...AND Jack!)
