
17 days???

So we are officially 17 days away from Caleb's due date! We will see when he decides he's ready!

I am dilated 4 cm now (last week it was 3 cm) and I'm effaced 90% (last week it was 80%). He has definitely dropped too, he's been out of my ribs finally!! :) For those of you who are clueless to what all this means like I was, being dilated is how much your cervix has opened, and effacement is when your cervix thins out.. it goes from being an inch thick to being paper thin. So by the time you actually give birth to the baby you will be 10 cm dilated and 100% effaced. Some people are dilated and effaced before they go into labor like I am and other people aren't at all when they start labor. My doctor said that me being this dilated and effaced is no indication of how fast or slow my labor will be, everyone is different! She also seems to think that he'll be here early and that it could happen at any time now, it just depends on when Caleb is ready. I told her my parents were trying to decide when they were coming and she said she would recommend them coming now.. so it makes me think she believes it'll be very soon! But babies are babies and they come when they want, so we'll just see what happens!

We are pretty much all settled into our house now, we just need to get a few pieces of furniture and to hang some stuff up on the walls. I really LOVE our new home and I'm so happy we were able to get in before Caleb is born. I've been saving my favorite part for last.. Caleb's room! I'm hoping to get that done by tomorrow. Hopefully he can wait until it's set up.. even though it doesn't really NEED to be since he'll be in his bassinet in our room for awhile, but it would just ease my mind since I'm in nesting mode! :)

So that's the update for now!!!

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