
Caleb's Room & First Our Home!!

Just thought I'd share a few pictures of Caleb's room and our house all set up!

this is the view from the hall

the crib and hamper

the changing table and glider

the wall besides the door and closets

his dresser.. as soon as i get the base for the lamp shade, i'm going to hang the shelf up on the wall!

his changing table

and the view from the other side of the room.

I have some curtains coming in the mail too. They are the same material as the changing table cover and the hamper. I'm so excited to put them up!!

Here are some pictures of the house. There are still things I need to add.

Our bed and dresser. We're going to add a headboard and footboard when we find one we like and then angle the bed probably. I also am waiting to get a really cute pillow in the mail to add to the bed :)

our bathroom. we will probably paint it, but we need to decide on a color!

one of the corners of our room. we are going to refinish the dresser. 
picture i ordered for jord and me off of etsy

view from our room/loft

stained glass window in the hallway in our room

the hallway to the front door and the other bathroom is on the left and caleb's room is on the right!

front bathroom

the living room. that couch is temporary.. we are replacing it with one that's more on the tan side.

the fireplace! i need to figure out something better with the mantle.. 

my purple chair and our hutch...we need to find a small table to go by the chair

kitchen table and stairs to the loft

the kitchen. we are going to remodel it, so these are the before pictures :)

the back yard!! i love it.

My parents flew in last night and I picked them up from their hotel this morning. They are renting a cabin here. I'm really excited that they are here now. Last night I thought I was going into labor, but it was a false alarm. I was definitely having contractions but they weren't consistent at all. I definitely see why they stress timing the contractions and what not because if I hadn't known, I would have gone to the hospital! Hopefully Caleb will be here soon though now that our house is settled into and my parents are here, we are ready for him!! 

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