
Caleb Bradley is here!!!

Caleb is here!! He was born on March 22nd, 2010 at 12:39 AM. He was 8 pounds and 13 ounces and 20 inches long. He is so precious, we are so in love with him and so happy he is finally here with us! 

I started having contractions on Sunday so we went into the hospital and they basically stopped as soon as they had me hooked up to all the monitors and what not..I felt really stupid! They called my doctor and couldn't get ahold of the one on call so after an hour they called a different doctor at the practice. He said to go ahead and keep me there and if my contractions continued, that would be great..but if they kept being irregular and going away and what not, they would give me pitocin to keep things going. They went off and on all throughout the night and eventually died down a lot.. so they ended up giving me pitocin on Monday at 7 AM. Contractions started coming pretty fast and hard and so I finally decided I needed the epidural. Only problem was... the epidural didn't fully work. It only numbed my right side.. so things were progressing very very quickly and I was in hard labor and in a good amount of pain! Thankfully, I had Jordan and Meghan there encouraging me through everything, they were amazing! The nurses gave me two doses of some type of pain medication and it kicked in right towards the end.. the difference was amazing! I would have contractions and have no idea, it made the experience so much better. So at 12:39 PM, Caleb decided he was finally ready to meet his mommy and daddy and we were so so happy! It was the best feeling in the world and I can't even begin to put into words what it was like to see him for the first time. I immediately just fell in love with him!

We had to stay at the hospital for 24 hours after he was born, and we left shortly after that time was up! We were really eager to bring Caleb home! We had a great experience at the hospital and I love the doctor that ended up delivering Caleb and we had really great nurses.  Jordan took a week off of work and we were able to have some really great family time bonding with our new little baby boy! I wish Jordan could just always be at home with us, it was such a great week! Caleb is the most precious blessing and we are just so obsessed with him! I love to cuddle with him and stare at him. 

Here are some pictures of Caleb! He is so cute :)

These were all taken by Caleb's great aunt Twila last Saturday! She did an AMAZING job. There are a ton more pictures that we've taken, but I'll post those at another time!!