
More Pictures of Caleb!

So here are more pictures of Caleb, these are just ones we've taken or other people have taken.. we've been just a little camera happy lately :)

Caleb and me right after he was born

Caleb and Daddy.. they are so precious together

Caleb with Mimi and Pops

Caleb and his Granpy!

Aunt Meghan and Caleb! 

Caleb with Uncle Everett

Leaving the hospital! Thanks Uncle Rick and Aunt Lil for the travel system! We love it! :)

This is Caleb in his cute hat from his GG (my grandma) 

This melts my heart! They love each other so much!

Wiley is such a proud and sweet big cousin!

This is how Caleb and I cuddle :) He sleeps in our bed at night and it's the best getting to cuddle with him all night long!

Our little family :)

FOUR generations of Craft men!

Caleb's "give peas a chance!" outfit haha

we like to stare at each other :)

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