
LAST Ultrasound!

We are still 9 days from my due date, but we're hoping Caleb will come out and meet us soon!!

Today I had my last ultrasound. Jordan and my mom were able to be there, so that was really fun. Caleb is still super cute and we even got to see him smile! How precious is that? I want him to be here now so I can see his cute smile in person instead of just on the screen :)

So this is what the ultrasound tech said about Caleb. He is still a BOY haha and he is in the 50th percentile exactly. He is 7 pounds and 7 ounces according to the ultrasound, which isn't 100% accurate, but I'm hoping he really is close to that! She also said that his head is measuring SMALL.. which completely shocked me! Jordan's was pretty much ALL head when he was a newborn, so I just expected Caleb to be the same, especially since he already looks so much like Jordan! Anyways, she said that it's possible it's measuring small because he could be starting to crown already but she said there is no way to really tell from the ultrasound. She said either way his head isn't large though! I'm pretty happy about that just because of birthing him and all! So that was all really exciting and of course, it was amazing to be able to see our little baby boy again!

After my ultrasound, I met with my doctor and he told me that I'm still dilated and effaced the same as I was last week. I had contractions in 5 minute intervals a few nights ago but they never grew in strength and eventually just went away. I told my doctor about it and he said that next time that happened to go ahead and go into the hospital and that if it was false labor that they would give me pitocin to help my body go into real labor. He said since I'm already dilated to 4 cm and effaced 90% that I'm considered to be in early labor already and that when I do start to have real contractions there is a chance it could go fast, it just depends! So I think it would be better to play it safe and do what he recommends as far as all that goes since we live pretty far from the hospital. I was against having them give me pitocin unless it was after my due date because we want to have the element of surprise and not knowing when I'd be having Caleb, but this way, we still won't have it planned out. Also, since I am dilated and effaced so much already and since my body would be having contractions, the risks involved with pitocin and being induced are WAY lower. So we were excited to hear all of that... I walked a good amount today and I plan on going on a walk tonight and trying different things people have recommended to help your body go into labor. Hopefully we'll see some action! :)


  1. SO excited for you!! Can't wait to see what Caleb looks like. :)

  2. Congratulations Amanda! I already said it on Facebook, but I figured I'd be the first on your blog :)
