
Almost 6 Weeks!

Time has gone by so fast! Caleb will already be six weeks on Monday. He is also already a big cousin! Meghan and Everett had their baby almost 2 weeks ago. They named him Zephyr Patrick Long..he is so precious! It's really funny seeing Caleb and Zephyr next to each other.. 4 weeks is a big difference in growth in babies and Zephyr is also really tiny! It's pretty funny :)

So Caleb is doing really good. He is such a good baby and is hardly ever fussy. It's so nice. I've recently decided I need to start being better about making him sleep in his bassinet at night. I've been just letting him sleep in our bed because I like cuddling him and it's just easier with nursing him and what not. So last night I tried out the bassinet again and he did so good! I put him down around midnight and he woke up around 3 to eat and then stayed in his bassinet until almost 6. That's amazing for him, he usually cries and cries until I pick him up and let him in bed with us.

Here are some recent pictures of Caleb and Zephyr!


  1. he is so adorable, they both are! i'm glad things are going so well! :)

  2. He looks huge next to his cousin!! He is just precious. Good thinking on the bassinet, I made the mistake of letting Tristan co-sleep with me b/c I too breastfed for 9 months but believe me, it is not good in the future!! Tristan wouldn't sleep in his crib all night until he was 13 months old and I had to go through the whole "cry it out" if you start young, it's all they ever know. Good luck girly!
