
The Beach

Caleb had his first trip to the beach on Sunday. We went to Tresles at San Ofrey Beach, which is about an hour and a half from our house. We left at 4:30 in the morning so that Jordan and Everett could surf before we went to a sip and see for Kennedy Bautista (she was born 2 days before Caleb). It was a fun day! We are tired today though! Here are some pictures from the beach.

Caleb was being super wiggly so it was hard to get a good picture!

It was pretty cold for some reason so we just cuddled and watched the guys surf

As much as I love the sun, there is something pretty about a cloudy beach!

Jordan and our nephew Wiley 

Wiley playing next to his fort

Caleb and Zephyr cuddling in Caleb's car seat :)

Kennedy, Zephyr, and Caleb
Kennedy and Caleb are two days apart and Zephyr is 4 weeks younger than they are
Caleb started getting fussy around this time so it was hard to get a good picture of the three of them!

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