
The cutest smile I've ever seen..

Caleb has been smiling for a couple weeks now but I've never been able to get a picture of it. He's been especially smiley this morning so I was able to get a good one. His little smile melts my heart! I can't begin to describe how much I love this little guy!!

We are going to the beach tonight for a few hours to watch Jordan surf. He use to surf in high school and his first year of college and has recently started back up with it again. It's fun to get to watch him. Then tomorrow we are going to Fresno to have Caleb's great great grandpa dedicate him. It'll be very special since his daddy was dedicated by him too. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy is it ever!? Jordy and Amanda, he is too cute! Miss you guys!

    Dana and Jeff
