
2 Month Check Up

Caleb had his 2 month check up yesterday. He is doing very good, he's very healthy! He is 24 inches long and weights 14 pounds 12 ounces now. The doctor said he's in the 90th percentile! He's a very big boy :)

He had his first shots yesterday too. It was so sad seeing him in pain, I guess it just gave me a little view of what's to come with all the things you see your kids go through. You just want to be able to make everything better!!

Two of my best girlfriends, Blair and Stephanie, came to visit for Memorial Day weekend. It was so nice getting to spend some girl time with them and I loved sharing Caleb with them and showing them where I live now. We went to lunch and to see Sex & the City 2, walked around the shops in Wrightwood and drove around in the mountains, and then went to the beach. We took them to In-and-Out and Rubios too! It was really fun :) Here are some pictures of their visit.

a pretty view of the mountains in wrightwood

at san onofre beach (near San Clemente)

blair and steph cuddling caleb on the couch.. caleb likes to suck fingers so steph was nice and let him suck on hers :)

he's almost as long as his bassinet!! stop growing so fast caleb, but keep growing! :)

cute cousins at the beach

in our backyard before they flew back to texas!

We are going to be spending the weekend at the beach this weekend for Jordan and our nephew, Wiley's birthday. Jordan will be 25 on Saturday and Wiley is 3 today! Then next weekend, we will be in Texas! Can't wait to share Caleb with you guys!!!

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