
Videos of Caleb! (The last one didn't work, sorry!)

This is Caleb this morning. He was so smiley and happy!

This is Caleb from about a month ago. He was moving around to the music and smiling a lot!


  1. Amanda, Caleb is so adorable! I'm soooo happy for you! I don't know if you know this but the weekend you were at your parents house, Ryan Adams got married! What a beautiful wedding and his wife is beautiful. Anyway, I told Sandy that if it hadn't been for the wedding, I'd have jumped in their car to go to Austin. I'd love to see ya'll. Babies are on my mind--Phil has been working hard to convert all of our old VHS home movies of Clay and Neil when they were babies/little boys to DVD's. Location of the project---Neil's empty room:( Sniff!! DO take a whole lot of video. You will NOT regret it and they grow up so fast. Love you! Tracy

  2. ohhh my goodness. he is so stinking cute! i want to meet him....
