
3 Months Old!

Our little family has been so busy this past month! We've had so many family birthdays and lots of fun summery things to do! It's been really fun but it's made time go by even faster than it already is. I can't believe that Caleb will already be 3 months old tomorrow! I am loving watching him grow and seeing little bits of his personality come out as he develops. He is a sweet, sweet baby.

This month has been full of firsts for Caleb. He took his first swim in the pool with me, took his first plane trip to Texas to visit his Gram and Pops (he did so good on the plane), met a lot of new people (my grandma, aunts, uncles, most of my cousins, my very best friend Lydia, and a few other close family friends), had his first visit to Jackson lake (where Jordan caught his first fish), had his first summer trip to the country club in Wrightwood and celebrated his first Father's Day with his daddy. He's been more and more smiley and his whole face lights up whenever he flashes a big smile at us. He's started to really understand who Jordan and I are and loves to have us near him as much as possible. He also slept through the night for the first time this month and has started to stay in his bassinet during the entire night. We are so thankful for such a sweet and precious baby, he has been such a joy in our lives. 

Here are some pictures from the past month...

Zephyr and Caleb on Jordan's Birthday at San Onofre Beach. We celebrated Wiley's birthday that day too! It was a good day!

Caleb "surfing" like daddy. He seemed to really love it.. can't you tell? haha

Even though his face looks like he's not having fun, he loved it. He really loves being in the water. Bath time is one of my favorite times with him because he is so smiley and happy the entire time!

Caleb "swimming in his body".. what Jordan use to call skinny dipping when he was a little kid haha.

Caleb looking pretty bored on his first plane trip.

Concentrating on sitting up!

The three of us at the Oasis on Lake Travis

Caleb with his Pops and Gram

Caleb with his Great Aunt Lil, he really liked looking at his Great Uncle Rick!

Caleb with his GG

Caleb with my best friend, Lydia

Caleb and Great Aunt Cindy and Great Uncle Don :)

Caleb's Cousin Caitlyn! 

Kerri and Caleb!

Caleb and Tucker are buddies :)

Pops and Caleb hanging out. 

Caleb and his favorite man :)

Caleb and Mallory..he really liked her a lot!!

Caleb with Mallory and Neely

Caleb and his Great Uncle Roger!

Caleb loved the bouncer that Gram got him!

Caleb's first fishing trip to Jackson Lake in Wrightwood

Caleb passed out at the country club on Father's Day

Jordan and Wiley playing in the lake at the country club

Caleb's present to Jordan for Father's Day

I have some cute videos of Caleb smiling and dancing that I will try to post soon. 

We are going to Texas again on Saturday to spend a week and the 4th of July at Jordan's family's lake house at Possum Kingdom. We are so excited! It's been a year since we've been out there and it's such a pretty place and so relaxing!

Hope everyone is doing well! 

1 comment:

  1. He is getting so big! You and your little family are adorable, and it looks like ya'll are having so much fu!
