
1/2 a YEAR already?!

Okay seriously time where have you gone? Caleb is a big 6 month old now! I can't believe it.. it seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. He's going to be gone to college before we know it! 

I'm seeing how fast time is already going by and doing my best to not get caught up in the day to day things that I feel like I have to accomplish. I am someone who likes clean and neat houses, that's just me.. but since I've had Caleb, I've let things go a lot more than I ever have before. I keep it clean enough, but I don't spend nearly the amount of time keeping it nice as I use to. It's simply just not important to me anymore. I want to invest time in Caleb and in our future baby (or maybe babies, we'll see haha) and not get caught up in all the things I "need" to do. I want my kids to look back on their childhood and remember me spending my time with them and doing whatever I could do to make their lives better. I'm not staying home with our kids to spend my day cleaning and not being around them, the purpose is for me to invest my time in them. Caleb is my little buddy and I don't want to miss him growing up because I'm busy around the house. It's so not worth it. Thankfully, I have a husband who agrees with this outlook and doesn't care about having a perfect looking house. 

So Caleb had his 6 month check up and the doctor said he is in perfect health! Caleb is 20 pounds 12 ounces and 28 1/4 inches now! He is one BIG boy! I love it. I was actually expecting him to weigh more based on how much he's gained from month to month, so it'll be interesting to see if he's slowing down a little bit. We will see! Oh and Dr. K was VERY impressed by Caleb's thighs, he called them thunder thighs and got a few good squeezes in during the visit. I'm so thankful for our pediatrician, he is so great. 

Caleb is still sitting up but not for more than a minute or so by himself. 

He laughs A LOT.. it's so cute. When he laughs he uses his shoulders too. It's too adorable. I love just doing whatever it takes to make him crack up and I can't stop laughing when he is like that. It's so much fun. 

I think Caleb might be the happiest baby ever. He smiles ALL the time. I will see him looking at me out of the corner of my eye and I'll turn to see a huge grin across his face. He wakes up smiling and goes to bed smiling. It's such a wonderful gift to me to know he's so happy. It's so clear that he has a genuinely good heart, which is something we have prayed for the minute we found out we were having him. I KNOW that Caleb will be naughty some day and will really hurt my feelings at times, but it's so reassuring to know that God has given him such a sweet heart. I feel like it will give us hope through the difficult times we will have with him, big or small- let's hope small!

Caleb has started eating solids. I've just given him rice cereal for a good amount of time, but today I started him on his first organic sweet potatoes. He liked them a lot I think? He's doing good. I plan on trying to make some of his food too, you just have to cook up whatever it is and blend it. 

He's back to sleeping through the night. Usually 10-12 hours. It's AMAZING. Jordan and I were both good sleepers, so I'm hoping Caleb will be the same. So far, so good.. I'm just waiting for the night he decides to be up 5 times though. They always go through those phases and it's so hard once you're use to sleeping through the night again. It's so short lived though, and so worth it :)

Well that's all the updates on Caleb. I am so thankful for such a sweet baby. He's the best little friend I could ever imagine having! 

We just got back from Hawaii so expect some pictures sometime soon :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy parents always make for a happy baby! Babies can sense these things! It helps that he has you and Jordan as his parents!!!

    I cannot believe how big he has gotten! Wayne and I are a little obsessed with keeping up with his pictures because they are so stinkin adorable!

    I love reading your updates! That's the exact type of Mom I want to be too!
